This is to verify that below Japanese company is registered in Japan according to “Japan company registration act” and is not involve in any fraud activity.
Japan Anti Fraud Organization (JAFO) has investigated 20 years previous record of below company and found no business fraud complain, no tax fraud, and no criminal record at Japan National Police agency (NPA). The below company is cleared to do international trade and accepting remittances from overseas countries.
Company name: Japan Motorcycle Export Co., Ltd. (A unit of BJ Group of Companies)
Business type: Exporter of used Japanese Motorcycles. non-Japanese Motorcycles, pre owned Bikes and second hand Scooters.
Address: 1-Chome. Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0017, Japan
President/CEO: K. Sasaki
Tel: 03-3413-8080
Fax: 03-3413-8084